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Totem Energy Stones

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Nature’s Spirit Stones are Created by Carving a Variety  of Animal Totem Images and Selected Symbols into Gemstones to Unite the Healing Properties of the Stone with the Inherent Power of These Symbols. Approx. 35-40mm, Assorted Stones and Color. Can Mix Styles for Quantity Prices. Free Totum Energy Stone Card with Each Purchase. You Must Ask for Totem Cards with Your Purchase, Cards Will NOT be Sent Unless Asked for.

Bear-Strength and Introspection

Bear Paw-Strength and Mobility

Beaver- Balance and Alterations

Buffalo-Abundance and Prayer

Butterfly- Transformation and Grace

Coyote-Humor and Adaptability

Deer-Sensitivity and Peace

Dolphin- Harmony and Wisdom

Dragonfly-Illusion, Need for Change

Eagle-Spiritual Enlightment and Transcendence

Elk-Stamina and Friendship

Fox-Cleverness and adaptability

Frog-Emotional Healing and Cleansing

Grizzly Bear-Hunter

Hawk-Truth Seeker and Clear Vision

Horse-Inner Power and Freedom

Lizard-Caution and Regenerative

Moose-Self-Esteem and Spontanity

Otter-Playfulness and Efficiency

Owl-Insight and Psychic Vision

Quail-Protectiveness and Group Harmony

Raven-Trickster and Mischievous

Road Runner-Mental Speed and Agility

Snake-Fertility and Life Force

Spider-Creativity and Balance

Turtle-Protection and Longevity

Wolf-Family Loyalty and Teaching Skills

Wolf Paw-Freedom and Guidance

T-Rex-Lizard King

Unicorn-Singular and Unique

Dragon-Wisdom and Nobility

Steer Skull-Silent Testimony

Kokopelli-Fertility, Joy and Music

Thunderbird-Caller of Rain

Scorpion-Defense and Self-Protection

Buffalo Skull-Sacredness and Reverence for Life

Zuni Bear-Good Health

Hopi Hand-Life, Creative Healing

Cross-Redemption and Salvation

Angel-Guardian of Hope and Wonder